Gjirokaster to Tirana by Public Transport

Gjirokaster to Tirane bus schedule, Albania

Traveling from Gjirokaster to Tirana by public transport in Albania as a family was a simple straightforward process that I would like to share with you here.  With no Albanian language skills, we were still able to travel with little…

Visiting Gjirokaster With Kids

Gjirokaster at night

During our backpacking trip through Eastern Europe, we had the delight of staying in Gjirokaster, Albania for 5 days.  Gjirokaster with kids is so much fun to explore!  We took a bus from northern Greece and arrived in Gjirokaster just…

Crossing the Greece-Albania Border by Land

For our trip between Greece and Albania, we chose to go over the land crossing instead of via Corfu as most of the internet recommended. However, finding information about a land crossing using public transportation was missing in all my…